Visual Studio Code Extensions - Quick Picks #2

07/18/2021, Sun
Categories: #editor

Activitus Bar

Reduce the amount of screen real estate space that that default toolbar icons take up on the left side of the window. With this plugin, the icons are shrunken and placed in the lower left corner of the window to get out of your way.


Live Server

Click a button on the bottom toolbar to quickly spin up a localhost server for hosting your local web assets which avoid the need to go into the terminal to run any commands for viewing your website content.


Numbered Bookmarks

Bookmarks allow you to quickly jump to certain lines within the file you are editing. It is useful if making changes in multiple areas of your file where comparison might be needed. This plugin is a step up from Bookmarks because you can use Numbered Bookmarks to assign numbers to bookmarks for jumping to with sensible shortcut command while also providing more cues on location when jumping among bookmarks.
