Rustup Toolchain

07/25/2021, Sun
Categories: #rust

Configure Rust Environments

The official rustup toolchain allows you to manage different versions of Rust along with their configurations. Different Rust applications or projects might force you to use a specific version of Rust.

Install the Rust toolchain/version manager rustup through your system's application install software or follow these alternative means of installing rustup.

Get a specific version of rust

rustup toolchain install 1.53.0

Get the current rust toolchain

rustup show

If the version does not show the latest version, switch to the toolchain version.

Switch to a toolchain

rustup default 1.53.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

To make the current toolchain as the stable

rustup override set stable

A toml configuration will be used to lock to a specific version install of tools

Further information for rustup can be found here: