Quarto - SVG Charts

10/03/2024, Thu
Categories: #Python
Tags: #quarto

Render GGplot in R as SVG Images

When you enlarge the view of a qqplot chart, you would like to see a crisp zoomed in version of the chart. We will achieve this by using svg charts.

For one to use svg charts in ggplot, it requires a download of another package called 'svglite'. However, R dependency manager doesn't quite install sub-dependencies for you, which makes it challenging to get all the dependencies you need for a project. To alleviate this issue, install renv to make managing R dependencies a less complicated ordeal.

The following example assumes that you are on an Ubuntu machine.

Enter the R console by typing


and pressing enter on your console.


Exit the R interpreter by typing


We want to install a systemfont dependency in Ubuntu because the svglite package depends on this. If you are on another operating system, find the equivalent font package.

apt update
apt install libfontconfig1-dev

Go back into the R interpreter and use renv to manage the dependencies of the project.

You use renv similarly to git. Start using renv by initializing the project.


Install the ggplot2 and svglite package


Update the renv.lock


exit the R interpreter.

Add the following sample code to display a 'plot.svg'


p <- ggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + 
geom_point() + 
geom_smooth(method = "loess")

ggsave("./plot.svg", p, device = "svg")

Render the plot in the document.

![my plot](plot.svg)