Playwright - Cleaner Promise Chains
05/01/2021, SatFluent API
As with many JavaScript libraries, asynchronous operations are dealt with using promises, and the commonly preferred way of structuring promises flows entails the use of async / await.
From the Playwright documentation
const { webkit } = require('playwright');
(async () => {
const browser = await webkit.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });
await browser.close();
Every page operation will require the use of an await since each yields a promise. However, this simple example shows the extra effort needed to tame async control flow by having to prepend each operation with an await. This is a bit noisy and detracts from the true intent of the tests steps.
With the help of this library, playwright-jest, it is possible to clean up an async await block in playwright to use only one await per block.
Modified example from the "playwright-fluent" documentation
import { PlaywrightFluent, userDownloadsDirectory } from 'playwright-fluent';
const p = new PlaywrightFluent();
await p
.withOptions({ headless: false })
.emulateDevice('iPhone 6 landscape')
// Use the playwright api for taking a screenshot
const page = p.currentPage()
await page
.screenshot({ path: `example.png` })
// Peform more browser actions
await p
.typeText("don't tell!")
// Take another screenshot
await page
.screenshot({ path: `another-example.png` })
// Close the browser window
The original "playwright" object is needed for certain methods calls that are not implemented in "playwright-fluent" such as the screenshotting to file functionality, but the consecutive promise chains grouped together with "playwright-fluent" still provide greater clarity.