Nuitka and PyQtgraph - Bundle a Python Application into a Standalone Binary

05/01/2023, Mon
Categories: #python #shell
Tags: #cli-tools

PyQtgraph Standalone Application

Nuitka is a Python compiler that supports the conversion of a Python application to compiled code. It enables you to create a single file executable for convenient distribution.


You will need a C compiler and a Python version specified in the Nuitka

Installing Nuitka

python3 -m pip install nuitka

Compilation Options

Simple bundle command

Once nuitka is installed, you will navigate to your Python project folder and run this minimal command to get an application compiled. By default, this basic command will not output a single executable file.

Dynamic imports

Since PyQtGraph uses dynamic imports, you will need to tell nuitka to include these dependencies for the

nuitka --follow-imports --include-plugin-directory=mods
PyQtgraph Bundling Options

PyQtgraph uses dynamic imports and requires the '--follow-imports' graph.

python3 -m nuitka --follow-imports --onefile --enable-plugin=pyqt6

Here is the command and options if you are using poetry with nuitka.

poetry run python -m nuitka --follow-imports --onefile --enable-plugin=pyqt6

You might have to install some other python modules to speed up performance based on the warnings that nuitka outputs when using poetry.


This will create a standalone binary, main.bin, that is about 52 megabytes.