Handle Situation When File Does Not Exist in Directory
Performing a file reading operation to check whether a file exists before operating might cause a race condition as stated in the Nodejs section on fs.stat:
Performing a file reading operation to check whether a file exists before operating might cause a race condition as stated in the Nodejs section on fs.stat:
Rxjs provides a means of performing a ‘side effect’ without modifying the observable through the observable chain. The ‘do’ command is good candidate for use when there is a need to log out information when specific operations are performed.
In the situation where you desire to use a ES5 file to refer to a ES2015 file, the on-the-fly compilation option of Babel can be one of the ways to do so.
This case might come up when you are intending to run an init file that you do not want to perform any Babel compilation, but you still want the ES5 file to serve as the entry point for your module.
When performing a long-running operation in the terminal, such as file generation, a user would like to know how long the task has run.
For your heavy-duty JavaScript animations, I recommend Velocityjs since it has many features and great documentation.
Here are some simple effects that I find useful if you have chosen to use Velocityjs:
Minimongo is Meteor's client-side implementation of Mongodb, while Mongodb is referred to as Mongo.
Templates helpers format data onto your templates, but one must ensure that subscription data is fully loaded before the template helpers have a chance to render.