
Nodejs - Quick Tips #4

Identify Streams Better when Logging Two or More Streams at a Time

Rxjs provides a means of performing a ‘side effect’ without modifying the observable through the observable chain. The ‘do’ command is good candidate for use when there is a need to log out information when specific operations are performed.

Categories: #JavaScript
Tags: #NodeJs
Nodejs - Quick Tips #3

Babel - Requiring ES2015 File from ES5

In the situation where you desire to use a ES5 file to refer to a ES2015 file, the on-the-fly compilation option of Babel can be one of the ways to do so.

This case might come up when you are intending to run an init file that you do not want to perform any Babel compilation, but you still want the ES5 file to serve as the entry point for your module.

Categories: #JavaScript
Tags: #NodeJs