
Rust - Quick Picks #1


Using ripgrep-all will enable you to search more than just within source code files, it lets you search inside content such as "PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc." due to it leveraging ripgrep. This versatility brings a search tool that is close to what you expect from an operating system index file search, except now you can have a more targeted searching experience.

Categories: #rust
Rust - fzf Alternative with Skim

Using an interactive CLI search tool can be a big productivity booster when you are uncertain of which files contain the term you are trying to seek out. You will end up performing multiple searches at a time and may jump into multiple files in doing so. GUI tools will be able to perform such a task, but using Skim offers you the ability to perform this task much faster since it is a keyboard focus tool with instant feedback in mind.

Categories: #rust #shell
RxJS - Stop Observable During an Interval

Replicate Pause on an Observable Trigger

A way to simulate a pause of an observable from triggering is to stop it and to restart it.

One might wish to pause an observable because the observable might have activated the run of an expensive or long-running operation such a mathematical computation or a network request and there is a need to have a temporary block on the triggering observable.

Categories: #JavaScript
Tags: #RxJS
RxJS - Buffer with a Pipe Chain

Get One Event from the Group

A buffer serves to aggregate multiples of the same observable event type. However, the example shown for buffer in the official RxJS docs assumes that you have an originating source in the start of the chain which serves as the group of events for buffering as shown in here.

Categories: #JavaScript
Tags: #RxJS
Rustup - Serde - Read JSON File

This is an example on using the serde_json library to read JSON data stored in a file. Serde doesn't have a method to directly read from your file directory and get the data from the JSON file, so it will be a two-step process.

Categories: #rust
Rustup Toolchain

Configure Rust Environments

The official rustup toolchain allows you to manage different versions of Rust along with their configurations. Different Rust applications or projects might force you to use a specific version of Rust.

Categories: #rust